trauma Archive
What a Wild Ride! Ann Ward, FCNI Resource ParentVoice of a Foster ParentAugust 21st marks 30 years since the Family Care Network opened its doors to begin serving our community’s children, youth and families impacted by trauma. We’ve been celebrating …
Tanya Winje, FCNI Program SupervisorVoice of an FCNI StaffRecently, I pulled up a slide presentation for a training I lead for staff here at Family Care Network about Intimate Partner Violence. In my effort to refresh the slides and update …
There is nothing more complicated after a childhood of complex trauma than navigating relationships. Why? Complex trauma is relational. We don’t have complex trauma without the failure of the primary relationships in our lives. And while the dissociation we use …
My recovery work has taught me that the original traumatic experiences are about 5% of the total problem. Almost all children experience traumatic events, but if they have supportive parents, they can come to understand what they experienced and recover …
In the summer of 2007, a woman was brought by ambulance to the emergency department of the Medical Center Haaglanden, a hospital that serves an inner city area of The Hague. The woman was drunk and had a severe …
Through my work with other trauma survivors, I have been surprised to learn how many similarities our stories share. The external circumstances are often different. But the beliefs we gain, the emotions we carry and the abusive strategies used against …
A new report from the Juvenile Law Center highlights the harms of solitary confinement on youth in juvenile lock-up facilities and presents recommendations to end the practice. In Unlocking Youth: Legal Strategies to End Solitary Confinement in Juvenile Facilities, Jessica Feierman, …
Our current foster care structure is based on an outdated model: families with one breadwinner and a stay-at-home mom. This traditional family had sufficient income and personal resources to take in foster children. Not for money, but for love. The …
The Self-help program, Se-REM has recently been made available to the public and other therapists. Eleven years in development, it combines EMDR, Mindfulness, Child Within Therapy, Music Therapy and connects the user with Nature, all within a mild hypnotic relaxation. …
Domestic Violence Jim Roberts, CEOVoice of our CEO “Family” is supposed to be a sanctuary; a place of safety, nurturing, healing, growing, sharing, loving, laughter and joy! But for too many, “Family” is none of these things. Instead, “Family” is …