technology Archive
“Thank you for your service” or donations to vet organizations are the extent of action for many civilians not personally or professionally engaged with military populations. Previously, the onus of responsibility for veteran care has been placed upon government …
This weekend will be a flurry of activity at Atlanta-based Assured Comfort Heating, Air and Plumbing as staff members and other volunteers stuff hundreds of backpacks with goodies for kids... By Kim Phagan-Hansel This post Atlanta Heating and Air Company …
Ray Kurzweil, Bill Gates, and Oren Etzioni, each a person who can be viewed as an innovator, futurist, or someone with strategic foresight. The future is an unknown, but the prediction of innovation is an underpinning of many strategic plans. …
Image via We Are Neo Politics The Circumscribed Ethics Investigation into Devin Nunes “The House Intelligence Committee chair claimed he’d been completely cleared, but the panel probing his conduct never gained access to the intelligence he was accused of divulging.” …
Image via Justin Baeder Politics Trump Move on Healthcare Religious Freedom Prompts Discrimination Fears “The Trump administration’s move on Thursday to protect healthcare workers who refuse to perform abortions and other medical procedures on religious or moral grounds is raising …
As the communities that governments serve grow more complex, so does the need for governments to tap into diverse resources in order to provide services. “How should we help governments and cities get the technologies to them to provide services?” …
Predictive risk modeling (PRM) offers new and exciting chances to solve big, entrenched problems. In child welfare, one of those problems is accurately identifying children at risk of maltreatment, work that requires a gauge of not only immediate risk, …
A unique approach has been designed and is being adapted and refined to meet the extraordinary challenges in contemporary western society of supporting our children’s awakenings and yearning for connections. It is through a whole system’s community-oriented rites of passage …
Don’t Just Respond to Change, Create It! Jim Roberts, CEO Voice of our CEOYou know, it is really easy to complain and criticize, to worry and fret, or to get angry. I, for one, am guilty of these reactions; not …
I sat down alongside an unemployed woman who is looking for employment as a Housekeeper just yesterday. Our objective is setting aside this time to work together was to both find suitable jobs to apply to and to then target …