Tech Archive
Planetarium Initiatory Event – PIE®© “Finding Your Place – We Are Home” By: David Blumenkrantz, Ph. D., Ed. M. “I believe that it is very difficult to know who we are until we understand where and when we are. I …
Help your clients achieve successful New Year’s resolutions to realize financial wellbeing in 2016 with the following tips. As we look forward to 2016, we look back at 2015 and some of the helpful advice offered in the Financial Social …
Local leaders were honored for using the power of “Zorgos.” Photo credit: Richard Luibrand Zorgos is an imaginary superpower that prevents bullying, coined by my co-author, Dr. Louise Hart, and myself for our book, The Bullying Antidote. Zorgos is the collection …
The term ‘vicious circle’ is one that is often used, but its significance is not always appreciated or fully understood. This is a pity, as it is an important and useful concept, and vicious circles are far more common than …
This weekend, over 200 people gathered at Fullscreen Media in Playa Vista for #HackFosterCareLA – Los Angeles’ iteration of the hackathon events that have been taking place across the country since last May at the White House. Fostering Media Connections …
There is a very good chance that at some point in your working life you’ll experience the feeling that you’d be better off quitting your job to look for another. While it’s impossible to make a blanket statement that is …
When you’ve been unemployed, passing the interview and receiving a job offer is a rewarding experience. Whether it’s a fist pump, a call to you mom, dinner out with the spouse/partner, or celebrating with a drink raised to you by friends, …
By Jennifer White, Senior Attorney for Legal Programs, Futures Without Violence This year, a film named Audrie and Daisy was part of the U.S. Documentary Competition at the Sundance Film Festival and is now available on Netflix. The film tells the stories …
In a kickoff event for Education Week, several hundred people crowded into the fabulous Tishman Auditorium at the New School in New York City on Monday night to watch Paper Tigers, a documentary that follows six students during a school year …
A one ton roving robotic laboratory landed on Mars August 6, 2012. It’s name: Curiosity. We continue to make amazing advances through technology. Curiously, can we say the same thing about advances in helping to educate and raise our children? …