syria Archive
Syria has gone dark today as al commercial air traffic and internet across the country has been shut down. Many believe this could be an attempt to get control over the violence that has been occurring between government offense and …
By Courtney Kidd, LMSW SJS Staff Writer A bus bombing has brought the 8 day escalating conflict in the Middle East between Palestine and Israel to a tipping point. Quelling what was hopeful truce talks and tentative peaceful relations from …
Violence on the Israeli-Syrian border is escalating. Hamas continues to fire rockets into Israel; Israel is bombing Hamas. I could have written that 5,10,15,or 20 years ago it would hold true in some way or another. War always makes me sad. It is the …
It’s a story as old as The Bible. Tensions are mounting again in the Middle East. Syrian violence is spilling into the Syrian-Israeli border. The Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu issued a clear statement on the new border aggression. “Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu said …
What part of our lives is ruled by fear? I want to piggy-back off of Michelle’s recent post about apathy and instead of asking why we’re so apathetic, ask why we are so afraid? Last night I was asked my …