suicide Archive
Suicide among youth is a reality we would rather not think about, but it’s more common than most people think.
A few days ago, I had a really meaningful, intimate, and moving conversation with a few patrons at a local poetry reading. I had performed a piece confronting suicide called “Ribbons,” and it lead to a discussion about the mental …
How many adoptive parents, like me, have been told what heroes we are and how selfless we were to have adopted an orphaned child? How many of these same (well meaning) people have told us how lucky our children are …
This week, I experienced a physical release in my body. I get these often as a part of my recovery. The emotions and memories have been stored in my body and I am releasing them as I recover. But the …
This is part one of a two-part look at mental health services mandated by the settlement of Katie A. v Bonta, a class-action lawsuit brought against the State of California over its lack of community-based mental health services for youths. …
Lately I’ve been stumbling across various blog postings about things people have learned about , things they want you to know about , things you wish you could say to They come from adoptive families, adopted people and others …
Sorry that this is a bit off-topic, but I’ve been following this story about 29 year old Brittany Maynard who was diagnosed with stage 4 brain cancer. She moved from California to Oregon because she wanted to end her life …
In my role as a social worker at a mental health clinic, I provide individual counseling services, which routinely includes a risk assessment regarding suicidal ideation, self harm, substances, etc. In light of tragedies such as the death of Robin …
Normally I don’t watch The Dr. Phil Show during the day but Erika taped an episode yesterday that was a “must view.” Titled “Parents Divided Over Disowning Their Son,” the show featured two adoptive parents and their 24-year-old adopted son, …
On Jan. 8, 1996, at the ripe old age of 12, I decided to end my life.