Social Justice Archive
France is taking a hard stance on radical Islam leaders, stating that deportation of radical religious clerics who have attempted to manipulate culture and education will begin shortly. The French Interior Minister has said that they will not allow imams …
The Boy Scouts of America might reconsider their ban on Gay scouts after a huge backlash from anti-homosexual policies. Responses from the organizations belief to deny membership to openly gay members, and refusal to accept a gay Eagle Scout has …
A career in social work-a very noble profession with values, ethics, social justice and research behind it. Why have you chosen the field of social work? What is the draw besides the obvious connection to people, to make a difference …
In January 27, 2013 Non-Profit Quarterly online journal article, It’s the Inequality, Stupid! “Nobel Prize-winning economist Joseph Stiglitz says: “ith inequality at its highest level since before the Depression, a robust recovery will be difficult in the short term, and the American dream — …
From a social workers perspective, the notion that inequality is necessary might almost be laughable, but a person can structure some logical arguments if they so choose. A post in The League of Ordinary Gentlemen looks at Why Inequality Is …
“The latest in a series of bloody riots in” Venezuela’s severely overcrowded prisons where inmates often freely obtain weapons and drugs with the help of corrupt guards” has resulted in at least 5 dozen deaths. “Venezuela currently has 33 prisons …
Three of my mentors are women in history who practice the values of social justice: Eleanor Roosevelt, Hillary Clinton and Michelle Obama. They also all happen to have been, or are, current First Ladies. These women to me exemplify what …
The profession of social work is a vast and expansive profession who’s mission is to improve the quality of life for people. To help America find its dream again. What happened to “The American Dream” and how can it be …
Perhaps it is because I have a soft spot for Dee Snider, given how much I admire him as a person… and the fact that he once yelled at another customer for being mean to me and another cashier at …
The ‘Golden Years’ as they were once called. A person would turn age 65 and retire and enjoy life! Unfortunately, this is not reality anymore. Many older adults who are in their ‘golden years’ are struggling financially, cannot afford their …