Social Justice Archive
Sex Offender Registries, which list sex offenders in an area and restrict many aspects of on offenders life such as where an offender can reside or spend time an more, are often viewed as protecting the youth in communities from …
Jurassic Park is timeless and one of my favorite movies. Watching it today, 20 years after the original air date, I am comfortable saying it comes across as believable as it did in the 90’s… besides the fashion of course. I …
Matt recently spoke about his experience in “Falling in Love with Social Work”. In it he describes feeling more complete, like someone who has found the puzzle they belong to. It was inspiring hearing so many who felt the same …
It’s spring. The skin is out and likely we’ll start hearing those bad old street harassment comments: “Nice legs baby.”… etc. It’s a big old reminder of how crass and disrespectful we are to one another, and how unaware of …
Oh the wonders of technology. Recently there has been so much news about the negative side of technology; how it can be used to incriminate, steal, or fight battles that were once more difficult to fight. Now, thanks to the …
45 years ago today the world lost a leader in Human Rights. Martin Luther King Jr. was shot and killed in Memphis at the age of 39. Mr. King remains as one of the best examples of
The poem “Sexual Assault Awareness Week” was posted earlier this week on SJS. We’ve heard what many of you thought of the poem, but let’s hear what the Author, Monica Wendel has to say about her piece: <!–more–> ‘We are who …
Social Work, in this day and age, has a strong relationship to technology. It can be used at every aspect of practice yet is often under discussed in our field. The below, originally posted on Bridging the Digital Divide in Social …
As more people defaulted with their students loans in the first three months of 2013, many are wondering when this bubble will pop. The student loan crisis can be compared to the mortgage and housing crisis just a few years …
Sexual Assault Awareness Week A Poem by Monica Wendel It’s our job to carry an umbrella to avoid getting wet but it’s not our job to avoid nighttime, dark streets, and bars to avoid getting raped. My mother disagrees. An …