Sexual Harassment Archive
Sarah Ann Masse forwarded this just before Christmas, but I didn’t see it until after. Nevertheless, even though it has a holiday theme, it’s still worth watching, because We Are Thomasse have added a very clever twist — and …
So, Harvey Weinstein has gone to ground, along with Charlie Rose, Matt Lauer, and Kevin Spacey, to name a few, and they’re likely never to work in their chosen fields again. This week, federal Appeals Court Judge Alex Kosinski …
I read this blog titled What Do We Deserve? by Erin Bailey as it came across my newsfeed the other day. It understandably went pretty viral because it has a message that any decent person can support: women face sexual objectification and/or harassment that is unjust regardless of whether or …
It’s spring. The skin is out and likely we’ll start hearing those bad old street harassment comments: “Nice legs baby.”… etc. It’s a big old reminder of how crass and disrespectful we are to one another, and how unaware of …