self-esteem Archive
Some people are out pursuing careers while others are out looking for jobs. Why would volunteering; essentially doing the work without getting paid for it, be in anyone’s best interests who is currently out of work? After all, it won’t help …
Over the last couple of weeks I’ve noted a number of people I’ve been having conversations with have unwittingly put themselves down and in more than a few instances unintentionally put down many other people with the use of single …
Just as I arrived at work this morning around 7:30 a.m. I took a call from one of the people I’m working with to gain employment. It was good news. She has a second interview today for a job she …
This week and next, I am facilitating a Self-Employment class at work. I’ve got twelve individuals, all of whom are on social assistance, who are interested in launching their businesses soon; intent on gaining their financial independence this way rather …
Of the many things one loses with unemployment, perhaps there is no greater loss than that of self-esteem. I say this because there are many I know who are unemployed and have lost the ability to believe in themselves. You …
We have all heard the phrase “the truth shall set you free,” however, most of us have probably been on both ends of the discomfort honesty can bring. Moreover, our culture, thick with anxiety and depression, prizes appearance over substance, …
“Presence must be balanced with a strong sense of who you are at your core.” “Treat everyone, no matter the person’s position or level of power as a respected colleague.” “Pay attention, the simple act of noticing your own behavior …