psychotherapy Archive
We are all the same and yet we are all different. The art of medicine, yes – medicine is an art as much as a science – dictates the need for individualization of care. Every person with hypertension has elevated …
"The confusion and barrenness of psychology is not to be explained by calling it a young science....For in psychology there are experimental methods and conceptual confusion....The existence of experimental methods make us think we have the means of solving the …
Douglas County (GA) Juvenile Court Judge Peggy Walker and “Dalton” ____________________________ Douglas County Juvenile Court Judge Peggy Walker is an activist judge for the children of Georgia – the children she loves who do not get what they need for …
Federal policies frequently have profound effects on how social workers are able to provide services to children and families yet many practitioners and consumers are often unaware of the policies that are impacting them. Policies come in the form of …
Intentionality and its observed manifestation as intentional action are dominant organizing concepts in psychology, although, with rare exceptions, concepts poorly articulated. In the realms of cognitive neuroscience, psychoanalysis, the theories of cognitive and behavior therapy, and the various humanistic approaches …
SJS shared in May, that a not-for-profit mental health network has been created by Open Path Psychotherapy Collective, an organization that aims to keep mental health care affordable, especially for those that fall into the middle income range. Below is an …
Rising insurance costs have put the entire mental health industry, and the clients we serve, in a tricky position. Even if a client has insurance, the co-pays are high, and rising, and many healthcare providers limit the number of sessions …