psychology Archive
By: Courtney Kidd, LMSW SJS Staff Writer PTSD is a debilitating disorder occurring as a reaction to a highly stressful event or prolonged exposure to stress. We see it more frequently than we’d like in our returning military service members. …
For NCIS fans out there, Gibbs’ rule #7: Always be specific when you lie, is a well known adage that holds a lot more truth than we realize. Liars, or bad liars, give themselves away in many ways with one …
Long after we lose count of our good deeds, what remains with us is often a list of those we couldn’t save. Our “failings” can haunt us, a reminder of our fallible nature. We don’t give ourselves the benefit of …
Chicken soup when you’re sick(and even when you’re not), staying up passed bedtime, and gifts for no reason. These are some of the many things I associate with grandmothers. Now, my view might be skewed, but I do believe I …
After having a twitter conversation with a social carer in the UK, I was made aware of some breaking news that is taking the United Kingdom by storm. According to BBC News, Sir Jimmy Savile (Knighted), whose fame rivals that …
I recent began reading a piece of literature called “Taking Sides: Clashing Views on Abnormal Psychology,” Fourth Edition, by Richard Halgin. Halgin breaks down the reading into three separate parts: psychological conditions and treatments, the trend towards biological interventions, and social …
This is a conversation occurring more frequently as technology becomes a larger player in our everyday lives. Do our experiences matter if no one knows about it? In a world dominated by social media, every status update, tweet or message …
A few posts ago I spoke about the power of resiliency, how necessary it is in order to combat the stressors that are bound to occur in everyday life. Prior to unlocking our genetic codes, resiliency was some psycho-mumbo-jumbo that …
Ah club drugs, the new psychopharmacology frontier. It was only a matter of time before the mental health profession became aware that recreational drugs could unlock some doors into alternative treatments. Â To be completely honest, I think some in the …