psychology Archive
Joseph Campbell, as the popularizer of the hero’s journey, has been criticized by feminist scholars for creating a somewhat lopsided and masculine view of the role of mythology in personal and cultural development. For example, in a lecture* on Joseph …
A person will not choose less behavior potential over more. Peter G. OssorioNemo me impune lacessit. The Order of the ThistleThe Degradation Ceremonies of everyday life don’t look like ceremonies. Instead, they look like how we go about treating people …
The parent's job is to facilitate their child's growth toward a "good enough" version of what is possible.What is emotional competence? How is it developed? How does trauma and deprivation interfere?I teach a course introducing psychodynamic theory to clinical …
“Truth, justice and the American way” Superman’s Creed “We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator…” Thomas Jefferson “… For in psychology, there are experimental …
Based on her ethnographic study of psychiatric residency programs, anthropologist T.M. Luhrmann concluded psychiatry is “of two minds”: one “mind” emphasizes the role of neurochemistry, while the other “mind” places more importance on the context of our suffering, including …
For many years, I have taught “Introduction to Psychoanalysis” from the vantage point of Descriptive Psychology. The policy I try to follow is to use ordinary language and to avoid concepts and theory that do not actually inform my day-to-day …
Descriptive Psychology is the intellectual discipline devoted to connecting and making explicit the implicit structure of the behavioral sciences. As such, it concerns concepts rather than theories, is pre-empirical, and aims at identifying the full range of what constitutes a …
My life has been a speeding train lately, and oh, how I’ve missed my blog! My emerging leaders and I are working on self care for the next few weeks, so this post indulges in quite a bit of navel …
Mindful Ignorance: I, Thou and Empathy … in terms of technique: He should simply listen, and not bother about whether he is keeping anything in mind. Anyone who hopes to learn the noble game of chess from books will soon …
“Certainly physics designed the bombs, biology the germ warfare, chemistry the nerve gas and so on, but it will be the unhealthy emotions of individuals that will trigger these horrors. These emotions can only be controlled, …