politics Archive
Social workers should keep our eyes on several races for seats in the House of Representatives in November. Although four of the seven social workers in the House—Reps. Susan Davis (CA-53), Luis Gutierrez (IL-4), Barbara Lee (CA-13) and Niki Tsongas—are …
I was looking at internet videos the other day when I came across one of a well-known political pundit talking about libertarians. His first words described libertarians as a faction of the Republican Party. And he couldn’t be more wrong. …
Social workers should keep our eyes on several races for seats in the House of Representatives in November. Although four of the seven social workers in the Houses—Reps. Susan Davis (CA-53), Luis Gutierrez (IL-4), Barbara Lee (CA-13) and Niki Tsongas—are …
Based on her ethnographic study of psychiatric residency programs, anthropologist T.M. Luhrmann concluded psychiatry is “of two minds”: one “mind” emphasizes the role of neurochemistry, while the other “mind” places more importance on the context of our suffering, including …
For social work month, the Congressional Research Institute for Social Work and Policy (CRISP) will hold its first web-based, annual donor drive from March 3rd – March 9th. Financial contributions will help ensure social work representation and involvement in federal …
Human rights are more than individual rights. Aren’t they? And will surely remain so until we have a level playing field. I’ve been worrying about what worried me about a recent article about Tim Wilson, Australia’s new Human Rights Commissioner …
You’ve seen the scene play out in countless movies. Two powerful men on the verge of argument rush into the closest men’s room for the privacy needed to yell at each other their justifications for their darkest actions. Disturbing truths …
Social Work is a profession that is multifaceted and involved in all segments of society. SJS interviews social workers as a way to promote the profession and to share all that one can do with their degree. The interview below …
As someone who is a bit more conservative than my peers, I often think of the reasons why I want to get involved in social work. While the goal of all social workers is to improve the lives of disadvantaged …
Social workers by our adherence to a code of ethics are committed to promoting social justice. Yet, I wonder how many social workers understand what it means to pursue social justice and how many of us are congruent in our …