politics Archive
The world is still reeling from the shock of the referendum that sanctioned the United Kingdom’s severing its membership in the European Union. The Brexit ballot blockbuster sent tremors throughout the global marketplace last week resulting in the loss of …
CYC Youth Put their Voices into ActionFCNI, featuring CYC Youth Sandra Gomez, Celena Malarkey, and Felipe Campoverde, This past February, FCNI sent a group of young foster youth who participate in the local chapter of the California Youth Connection …
I’ve been thinking a lot about guns recently. Okay, I can understand how that is a worrisome sentence to start with. And most who know me know I’m very pro-gun laws. You can read the article where I make my …
These are tough times in America for many of her citizens of all creeds and colors. Decades of wage stagnation and a declining middle class have left millions of Americans anxious about the present and pessimistic about the future. According …
The Obama administration has demonstrated in recent weeks that when it is committed to an issue, it will go to great lengths to make things happen. Take criminal and juvenile justice reform. The president recently initiated a number of policy …
You only have to turn on the television to notice the merging of opinion, fact and news into ‘debates’ of equal value. I can’t claim this as an original thought. I first heard the comment on a podcast I was …
I recently watched the movie Jerry Maguire with my wife, who had never seen it, and it led to me thinking about our profession of social worker. It is not that I have not spoken out in the past about …
I had the pleasure of addressing Latina/o social workers last week during their conference at New York University. The theme of the three-day event was sí se puede generally translated as “it can be done,” or to borrow candidate Barack …
Geographic Information Systems (GIS) are well utilized in politics, city planning, environmental science, landscape architecture, business and public health. Increasingly, GIS is being utilized to better assess, understand and respond to various social challenges such as food deserts, housing instability …
I cannot advise my colleagues too urgently to model themselves during psycho-analytic treatment on the surgeon, who puts aside all his feeling, even his human sympathy, and concentrates his mental forces on the single aim of performing the operation as …