internships Archive
Disturbing whispers spread across social media about making Social Work field internships optional. Even more significant is the petition circulating to advance the eliminating the field agenda. There was even a thread about if we really need internships in …
Thanks to several colleagues I have become aware of the initiative and petition to no longer require a field placement in social work, but rather to leave it up to the individual student who, under advisement, would make the decision …
Recently, Social Justice Solutions published a blog post on “the importance of social work internships” which mentioned attempts to influence the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE) to reduce its field placement requirements in its MSW accreditation standards. A petition …
One of the greatest parts of my job is being involved in the social work internship program for MSW students. It is something I truly love, not just for the challenge and fun I have, but because I understand how …