health insurance Archive
Using manufactured scare tactics, the U.S. health insurance industry successfully lobbied Congress to enact a requirement that most non-elderly Americans become compulsory customers of the insurance industry and approve taxpayer financing of massive subsidies for the private insurance industry.
When I was in high school, me and my buddies loved our cars just about as much as any other guys who were burdened with their virginities. Of course, we were poor, so our cars weren’t like Kevin’s Triumph Spitfire, …
A report from the National Commission On Physician Payment Reform is calling for the end of “fee-for-service” for Medicare within seven years. “The way we pay doctors is profoundly flawed,” commission co-chairman Steven Schroeder, a professor of health and health care at …
A recent report found that 1 in 10 Veterans lack a form of health insurance, in addition to almost a million family members. Although most Veterans are able to receive benefits, either from their military service, VA system of employment, …