happiness Archive
I bet that caught you by surprise, social workers are keenly aware that such things as happiness are relative, or are they? Scientists have been studying brainwaves for quite a long time now, as far as I know since at least the 60’s. There has been …
A prior post, For Happiness, Bob Marley Said it Best, Don’t Worry, was based on Dan Gilbert’s research on happiness which reveals we are ultimately responsible for our own happiness based on the value we place on a thing or …
In one of my all-time favorite TedTalks “Harvard psychology professor Dan Gilbert presents research which clearly makes the case that happiness is something we invent. It is not something that happens to us.” In a real, definable way, we create our …
This post is a continuation of my previous couple of posts regarding apathy, living more satisfying lives, and embracing our more authentic selves so that we may enhance both our individual journey toward fulfilling our unique human potential as well …
To quote Berne’ Brown, “We are the most in-debt, obese, addicted and medicated adult cohort in U.S. history.” That is a mouthful. Think about the people you know, about those wanting to fit in, to live up to some ideal …