government Archive
This morning I woke up to an article on the front page of my local newspaper with the title: “12 orcas trapped in ice in Northern Quebec.” Since Monday, these killer whales have been trapped in thick layers of choppy …
by Victoria Brewster, MSW – SJS Staff Writer in Canada I read the following article ( and the first thing that came to my mind is that the events of Friday and all the other events that have occurred in …
Written by Michelle Sicignano, LMSW, Staff Writer, Social Justice Solutions With an innovative 5 year plan to save $500 million, the””Missouri Department of Transportation (MODOT) is one of the most innovative organizations using social and mobile technologies in the country. In …
by Vikki Brewster, MSW – SJS Staff Writer in Montreal, Canada I have to say I was a bit surprised when I came across this article in the Huffington Post-Canada: . I am sure I am not the only one …
Syria has gone dark today as al commercial air traffic and internet across the country has been shut down. Many believe this could be an attempt to get control over the violence that has been occurring between government offense and …
By: Courtney Kidd, LMSW SJS Staff Write Gov. Chris Christie might have to kiss any hopes of his future of higher office good-bye, and no it’s not for his political views. The New Jersey state governor has come under some …
by Michelle Sicignano, LMSW, SJS Staff Writer I have been informed that out of town work crews all over Long Island have been housed in public parks, such as Sunken Meadow, and Bethpage, in large open spaces, often near …
By Georgianna Reilly, LMSW SJS Staff Writer After ten straight days of no power or heat I am back on, and very thankful for that fact. However, many in the tri-state area are still in the dark (literally). Billions of …
Outside of a Miss America contest we hear very little about world hunger, which as national economies fail across the world, should actually be an open issue. What some might not realize is that this growing concern is that not …
A recent New York Times, Business Day Report by Annie Lowrey stated, “An August study by the Washington-based Tax Policy Center , a respected nonprofit that issues studiously detailed tax analyses…concluded that Mr. Romney’s plan, on its face, would cut taxes for rich …