government Archive
Things are changing in these United States. Just this year we have witnessed several significant developments that have altered the history of this nation. Among them are the Supreme Court’s sanctioning of same sex marriage and striking down challenges to …
The media have been complaining about Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s failure to communicate her policy stances. She gave them an earful last week when she accepted the inaugural Barbara Jordan Public Private Leadership Medallion at Texas Southern University and …
A new working paper from the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) by three Harvard economists provides conclusive evidence that the Moving to Opportunity experiment worked. Prior research failed to document any significant economic gains for older children and adults …
Tuesday night I attended the third annual McSilver Institute Awards ceremony held in the Fisher Building of the Brooklyn Academy of Music. Supporters gathered from various parts of the United States and from several other countries to celebrate another successful …
Nineteenth century British philosopher and sociologist Herbert Spencer was the first to coin the term “survival of the fittest.” The idea, also referred to as natural selection, suggests that some individuals are better suited to overcome the challenges and exploit …
After losing the House in 2010 and now the Senate four years later, Democrats seem bereft of ideas about how to reconnect with the electorate. Democrats seem to have a grip on the White House and Hillary Clinton appears to …
Yesterday I saw the We’re better than this campaign. It is wonderful to see celebrities come out in protest of what counts amongst the worst travesties in Australian history. Australian celebrities are protesting against Australia’s treatment of refugee children. Hundreds of …
When the Twin Towers went down some people just couldn’t keeping watching – it was too distressing. The media reports went on for days even months. Others like me couldn’t stop watching. I don’t know why. Perhaps it’s a way …
Susan Grettenberger surprised Michigan’s Democratic Party establishment with her strong showing in the August 5th primary for the 8th Congressional District seat in Congress. She pulled in 11,398 votes (38%) falling just short of the 13,621 votes (41%) garnered by …
Like the bloated aftermath of a big meal, I have had a gut full of politicians and some commentators, childish behaviour in parliament, inhumanity and cruelty, and nothing but ‘broken record’ and ‘blame the other guy’ tactics from our government. …