freud Archive
Why do I teach psychoanalysis? What do I want to accomplish in the semester to follow? I'll start with Freud. Freud had two intellectual obligations that remain mine. The first is to a vision of our animal nature and the …
Mindful Uncertainty: I, Thou and Empathy … in terms of technique: He should simply listen, and not bother about whether he is keeping anything in mind. Anyone who hopes to learn the noble game of chess from books will soon …
Mindful Ignorance: I, Thou and Empathy … in terms of technique: He should simply listen, and not bother about whether he is keeping anything in mind. Anyone who hopes to learn the noble game of chess from books will soon …
In 2012, I saw on display at SFMOMA Sam Durant’s “History never ends, I hate to bother you”: Photo of “History never ends, I hate to bother you,” by Sam Durant Sadie Coles HQ gave this explanation of the piece: “The show’s title …
There are risks associated with social work that many don’t speak of. One of the greatest dangers associated with the profession is feeling that knowledge of many other subjects is irrelevant(sloth). It happens to many professions, and I’m not implying …