english Archive
As we celebrate social work month, we would like to highlight another profession that also spends a lot of time defending themselves. The following was first published @ http://Www.milehighthoughts.wordpress.com and has been submitted by the author, Nick Bente. I recently …
Can we create new emotions? No, but we can become better at identifying them with the help of a design student who has created a map of complex and emotional states. Combining words and expressions from other countries, Pei-Ying Lin’s …
Courtney Kidd, LMSW SJS Staff Writer You don’t say. George Osborne, the Chancellor of Exchequer in the United Kingdom admitted in a recent statement that austerity just doesn’t work. The statement was discussing how the government has failed to reduce …
The Common Core Standards in the Classroom By: Don Frier For those of you who don’t know, the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) are a series of standards that have swept the nation, being implemented in response to the Race …