death Archive
A recently published study completed by the National Institute of Health and the National Research Counsel points to the United States as having poorer health and shorter life spans than the majority of the 16 peer countries surveyed. While the full report …
By: Courtney Kidd SJS Staff Writer America has always, and will always be a reactionary nation so long as we deny that our actions and our inactions hold consequences. There are a few things wrong with the media and how …
By Matthew Cohen SJS Staff Writer Details have emerged from the unthinkable tragedy in Newtown. There have been reports that Adam Lanza’s guns were taken from his mother. It has also been reported that Ms. Lanza began to buy guns following a …
By: Courtney Kidd, LMSW SJS Staff Writer Ah the 2012 holiday season. A time to laugh, remember our loved ones, exchange some gifts. Oh, and let’s not forget the upcoming apocalypse. The Mayan calendar rumor has been circling around for …
by Vikki Brewster, MSW – SJS Staff Writer I am currently reading a book titled, “Comfort’ by Ann Hood. Yes, I read a lot and as this is an area of interest for me….. this book is about a mother who loses …
by Victoria Brewster, MSW – SJS Staff Writer I am reading yet another wonderful book. Morrie Schwartz sheds some wisdom on what it is like to be diagnosed with an incurable degenerative disease, (ALS) amyotrophic lateral sclerosis or Lou Gehrig’s …
Long after we lose count of our good deeds, what remains with us is often a list of those we couldn’t save. Our “failings” can haunt us, a reminder of our fallible nature. We don’t give ourselves the benefit of …
I am curious as to how society in general, and this includes families, friends, colleagues and professionals, honor the memory of one who has died? Every culture, ethnicity and religion have different rituals or traditions to honor the memory of one who has died. In Judaism, on …
It is always hard as a professional to lose a client because of death. While death is a fact of life, part of the life cycle; remember that to be born, one must die, and it is never easy. I …
End-of-Life issues are almost a taboo subject in our society. This should not be the case in reality. In the cycle of life, in order for one to be born, one must die. In this case, die with dignity and …