Culture Archive
Consumerist messages are all around us: buy, spend, consume. Underpinning these is the powerful message that success in life is defined by your spending power. But it’s more than that; there is a strong message too that we should be …
Tír gan teanga, Tír gan anam. Padraig Pearse A country without a language is a country without a soul. Gaelic Saying Stories are formed from words, which are the building blocks of language. Each letter, each word is nuanced by the …
‘Grace’ has two main definitions. It can refer to elegance and poise. But it can also mean decency or honour. Both of these aspects can be helpful to us, especially the latter. Let’s consider each in turn. A graceful person, …
One of the problems with living in North America is the fact that we are living in a multi-cultural society that has always had our little ethnic communities, but for the most part, both Canada and the United States have …
There is a stigma around seeking mental health treatment. The origins of this stigma are hard to decipher, being wrapped up with the larger stigma surrounding mental illness in general, but there are several historical and sociological facts that stand …
In today’s world, many people still believe the best way to incorporate cultural and racial differences is to ignore that they even exist — a misguided attempt to be a colorblind society. The reality is that color isn’t ignored. We …
Have you ever heard the Proverb: “It takes a whole village to raise a child”? Probably, since it is a well worn saying that has been used within the title of a books, articles, bumper stickers and even cartoons, which …
“I’m offended” is probably the most overused sentiment that I have come across in recent years. Of course, the underlying statement is really “I’m entitled,” and has little to do with actual offense being committed. The distinction is having a …
Hispanic Heritage Month began in the United States on September 15th with the commemoration of Mexican Independence from Spain in 1810. This is a time in which many Hispanic Americans celebrate their heritage with public festivals and events. In our …
It’s spring. The skin is out and likely we’ll start hearing those bad old street harassment comments: “Nice legs baby.”… etc. It’s a big old reminder of how crass and disrespectful we are to one another, and how unaware of …