criminal justice Archive
Inmate. Prisoner. Other. Discussed. What to call incarcerated people: Your feedback By BLAIR HICKMAN We received more than 200 responses to our callout asking the best way to refer to people behind bars. Of the options we offered, 38 …
Nearly two-thirds of California adults have experienced at least one type of major childhood trauma, such as physical, verbal or sexual abuse, or living with a family member who abuses alcohol or is depressed, according to a report released …
Durham has released new language in the city’s anti-poverty initiative calling for a “zero tolerance” crackdown on drug activity in Northeast Central Durham. My honest reaction is that such a policy seems counterproductive if the intent is to help lift …
By: Charles M. Olbert On September 16, the Fordham University Center for Ethics Education and Center for Religion and Culture hosted a conference to discuss whether we have a moral obligation to immigrants. Entitled “A Crisis of Conscience: What …
Final Words: 517 executed prisoners of Texas Death Row share their last words. It’s time to listen! This is not a typical SCSJ blog post. I am speaking to you as one person to another, not in my professional capacity …
Despite some areas of recovery following the Great Recession, unemployment rates continue to be high, especially for those who previously have been incarcerated. The 65 million Americans, who have been incarcerated often for non-violent crimes, are disqualified by having a …
Written consent as a tool of racial equity By Ian A.Mance This piece first appeared on The Durham News website on August 22, 2014. It has been modified to include a video mentioned in the text of the article. City …
Clean Slate Racial Profiling Disenfranchised by Voter ID in NC People Change Voting Rights and Section 5 Champions of Change The post Overview: the work of SCSJ appeared first on Southern Coalition for Social Justice.
What would you think about a pet owner who locked up his cat or dog in a tiny room for 23 hours a day? For a month, a year, five years? Would you accuse that owner of cruel and unusual …
The bipartisan Overcriminalization Task Force of the House Judiciary Committee has scheduled its eighth hearing this Thursday, June 26, 2014, at 9:30 am at 2237 Rayburn House Office Building. The topic of this hearing is “Collateral Consequences.” A link to …