child Archive
Hearing the news that your child has a disability can be difficult for any parent to hear. Parents who have a child that gets a diagnosis such as this often turn to friends and family for comfort and advice. Another …
Have you ever heard the Proverb: “It takes a whole village to raise a child”? Probably, since it is a well worn saying that has been used within the title of a books, articles, bumper stickers and even cartoons, which …
The Florida Department of Juvenile Justice is set to become the first state agency to conduct risk assessments using predictive analytics, a process that uses huge collections of data to predict outcomes and patterns. It’s the sort of news that, …
The biggest day on Los Angeles’ child welfare calendar shows what foster care is really about. When many people think about foster care, their thoughts immediately go to the heart wrenching headlines they read in the newspaper. The system is …
Trying to get a child to adapt to a new home setting that is away from his or her original family can be one of the most difficult parts of adoption or moving the child around in foster care. Having …
Senate and House leadership received a letter today, signed by 750 organizations and local politicians, urging them to maintain a federal program meant to assist struggling young mothers and mothers-to-be. The Home Visiting Coalition asked leaders in the letter to …
The Smithtown Library will be hosting a toy drive started by Siobhan Becker, a high school senior, between Monday, May 20th through Thursday, May 30th. The donation is looking for new toys to be donated to an orphanage in China. As per the United States …
Constancy is my favorite word. If things go well, constancy; if thing go poorly constancy. The word is the cool lemonade of wisdom to the hot summer days of youth. Humanity is in its youth. The follies of war and …
Chicken soup when you’re sick(and even when you’re not), staying up passed bedtime, and gifts for no reason. These are some of the many things I associate with grandmothers. Now, my view might be skewed, but I do believe I …