child welfare Archive
In February of 2016, the Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption (DTFA) found out it was in line to become part of one of the biggest philanthropic investments in the history of youth services. After more than a year of planning, …
About 20 years ago, Leslie Acoca was sitting in a California courtroom, waiting to testify as an expert witness in court. What she saw changed the course of her life. That day, Acoca watched a young woman, barely five feet tall …
(l to r) Dr. Garth Graham, president, Aetna Foundation; Wendy Ellis, project director, Building Community Resilience Collaborative, GWU; Stuart M. Butler, The Brookings Institution ______________________________________ After decades of working at the national level on health and mental policy in …
Amy is a 38-year-old single foster parent living in Los Angeles County. She’s learned a lot about how to make it work on one income in an expensive city while working as a teacher and navigating the ever-changing landscape that is …
I’ve always considered myself to be a liberal, and a left-leaning one at that. As a liberal, I believe that government has the ability and the obligation to protect all of its citizens from suffering. I believe this obligation is …
Last month, Texas state lawmakers passed House Bill 3859, which will give child welfare agencies, including those that receive government funds, protections from legal challenge if they assert their “sincerely held religious beliefs.” This means that child welfare providers can …
When a longitudinal study of children in California found that they are more likely to be reported as allegedly being abused or neglected over five years than over just one, this led to some remarkable leaps of logic. It was …
When I was little, I wanted to save the world. I know what you’re thinking, how cliché. I’d walk down the street and see people sleeping on benches covered in filth and tears in their eyes, irrationally skinny dogs …
Lisa Wade is the Health, Education, and Social Services Director, tribal court judge, and elected tribal council member for the Alaska Native Village of Chickaloon. Before the Alaska Resilience Initiative could push forward on any of its goals—to grow a …
President Donald Trump’s 2018 budget proposal includes a slate of deep cuts and eliminations of programs aimed at serving youth and families, but includes a hefty increase in the amount spent on an entitlement for foster care and adoption assistance. …