child abuse Archive
For the past few days, I have been stuck. I know you know what I mean. “Stuck” is one of the most common descriptors I get from other survivors about their journey when they email me for help. I know …
The ‘R’ Word I went public with my recovery work about three years ago. During those three years, I have learned a thing or two about what makes survivors cringe and what doesn’t. Honestly, as a survivor, I already know …
By Darian Woods Lisa Mayrose knew Florida’s Department of Children & Families needed to overhaul how it investigated phone calls reporting beaten and neglected children. “We had a rash of child deaths,” Mayrose, the regional managing director of the department in …
Written by Annie Waldman ProPublica, Feb. 12, 2015, 11:20 a.m. Connecticut public schools are far too quick to restrain or isolate unruly children against their will, leaving hundreds with injuries and many others with unmet educational needs, a state report …
Written by Joaquin Sapien ProPublica, July 2, 2013, 12:21 p.m. The older authority figure wins the trust of the young target by cultivating a false friendship, having heart-to-heart conversations, giving gifts, offering protection. And then the sex ensues, sometimes forced, …
On Tuesday, the transition team tasked with implementing the recommendations of the Blue Ribbon Commission on Child Protection called on the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors to move faster toward increased child safety. The team told supervisors to prioritize …
By Detective Don HowellHaving worked sexually motivated crimes for three decades, I've heard “I never told anyone” thousands of times. It's frustrating beyond words to see loving, caring parents who want to raise safe children miss the on-going molestation of …
The power of data to combat denial and distortion is dramatically illustrated in “The Shame of Our Prisons: New Evidence,” a review of studies carried in the October 24 2013 issue of the New York Review of Books by David …
Douglas County (GA) Juvenile Court Judge Peggy Walker and “Dalton” ____________________________ Douglas County Juvenile Court Judge Peggy Walker is an activist judge for the children of Georgia – the children she loves who do not get what they need for …
In just four quick and easy minutes, this terrific animated graphic explains how adults and communities help children build healthy brains, and how that process can be derailed by toxic stress. The Alberta Family Wellness Initiative developed the video, with …