change Archive
Ray Kurzweil, Bill Gates, and Oren Etzioni, each a person who can be viewed as an innovator, futurist, or someone with strategic foresight. The future is an unknown, but the prediction of innovation is an underpinning of many strategic plans. …
In social justice circles, it can be easy for us to keep focusing on where things are still wrong and forget how far they have actually come in terms of improving where vulnerable or marginalized people are portrayed in the …
“Stand tall” was the mantra for 85 foster youth leaders from 25 states, who arrived in Washington, D.C. last weekend for Foster Youth in Action’s annual Leaders for Change conference. The Leaders for Change (L4C) conference gathered a network of …
Many of us strive to be better; be it as a spouse or partner, leader, student, athlete, writer, employee or otherwise. We might have our sights set on eating better; perhaps living better generally. The word, ‘better’ though, while one …
Despite the common strong association between grief and death, grief is a reaction to a significant loss, and not just to a death. This means that we can have a grief reaction to any major change in our life, even …
By Getty Image I thought the topic of “starting” would be fitting for my first blog post. In therapy, sometimes the most difficult thing is just to get started (doesn’t that sound similar to the writing process?) People make …
A Case for Advocacy by Jim Roberts, CEOJim Roberts, CEOVoice of our CEO Raise your hand if you’ve ever felt intimidated, shy, excessively nervous, restrained or unwilling to make your opinion known. Now look around you, there’s probably a lot …
Is embracing change one of your strong suits? Don’t worry if you answered “no” to that question. Many of us are not comfortable embracing change – even when that change will lead us to a more positive, healthy place in …
Whether you work in an office, a factory, a theme park or well anywhere for that matter, changes in staffing are bound to happen. With every change, the chemistry in the workplace changes. Employers have two basic desires of their …
You might be in the situation where you’re getting a decent pay cheque every couple of weeks, and you can do the job quite satisfactorily, but still there’s something missing. Thinking back, you’ve been sensing this growing discontent with your …