canada Archive
One of the most valued and yet at the same time unappreciated jobs has to be the Caregivers in society. When someone in your own family has mental and/or physical health issues of a long-term nature, I can only imagine …
Recently my wife and I had the opportunity to shop in a large retail store in here in Canada; once owned by Canadians but now in the hands of foreign ownership. It’s the kind of store where there are several …
In this interview, SJS speaks with avid SJS reader and facebook fan Lisa Zigler, of Canada. For the past 23 years Lisa has worked as a social worker in various settings, and describes herself as a professional informed and driven by her understanding …
As cultural awareness of mental health issues has increased, so have the boundaries for acceptable behavior shifted. After decades of activism promoting positive change, psychological abuse is no longer acceptable in homes, schools, stores and other public spaces. But behind …
Imagine being the mother of an autistic child. Imagine raising and providing for this child for 19 years and not being able to do so anymore. Amanda Telford and her husband Alex from Ottawa, Canada spent almost two decades caring …
Girls Action Foundation is a Canadian non-profit that has been advancing girls’ empowerment since 1995. According to a brief put out by Girls Action and Status of Women Canada, significant challenges remain especially for girls who are marginalized. In addition to those …
I came across an article in The Star that focuses on youth with autism. Imagine having a child with autism who as a toddler had tantrums, but as a 13-year-old boy-these tantrums have accelerated into what one Canadian family describes …
I had been informed by a colleague that another senior had died from an attack by a fellow senior resident earlier this week, but was only able to read a full article in the National Post yesterday. A tragedy in Toronto has …
Perhaps because I work in social services with seniors, I am drawn to any information that focuses on Canadian healthcare. The most recent article I read focuses on the cost of wait lists. Imagine you have a ‘non-urgent’ health condition, …
As a female, how can I not honor International Women’s Day? This year the date is March 8th. As Gloria Steinem said, “The story of women’s struggle for equality belongs to no single feminist nor to any one organization, but …