canada Archive
See if you haven’t heard these statements before: “No one will hire me because I don’t have experience. How can I get experience if no one will hire me?” “The youth of today are the leaders of tomorrow.” Combine the …
Recent legislative action addressing the severely adverse outcomes that First Nations children face in Canada’s child welfare system has led to a national discussion.
The United States and its northern neighbor are plagued by many of the same child welfare system challenges. Recent reports have suggested there is a “foster-parent crisis” in Canada, citing a drastic lack of qualified foster parents relative to the …
There is nothing new about the controversy over how we are treating our children who suffer from ADHD, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, and the debate isn’t likely to end any time in the near future. As long as the large …
As a visible minority in Canada with young male cousins across the border, the recent news stories out of the United States regarding Trayvon Martin, Eric Garner, Michael Brown, etc. have been difficult to hear. Due to the sad deaths …
Yesterday a shooter opened fire in Ottawa, Canada, killing Cpl. Nathan Cirillo, a soldier guarding the Ottawa War Memorial. Despite the efforts of a few local good Samaritans, Cpl. Cirillo died from his wounds, and left a city in a …
I had the good fortune to be on vacation for the previous three weeks. Originally my wife and I had planned a road trip from our home in Lindsay, Ontario Canada to Newfoundland on the extreme east coast of Canada. …
According to this article, 13 of Canada’s first responders have committed suicide in a span of about 10 weeks, i.e paramedics, firefighters, police officers, dispatchers and prison staff have ended their lives after working in challenging jobs that regularly required them …
I often hear positive references to the “good old days” as individuals reflect on how much better things were in the past, and yet, as a visible minority female immigrant, I cannot help but consider how much worse my experience …
By Maryellen Hess CameronCancer InCytes MagazineVolume 3, Issue 1, Summer 2014 Sleeping under a bridge. Sleeping on a park bench. Sleeping in a car.These images spring to mind when someone talks about homelessness because these are common places for the …