bioethics Archive
As one of the most groundbreaking sitcoms of all time, The Golden Girls introduced a range of bioethical issues through scenarios on the show regarding medicine, the human body and women’s health. In this TEDx Talk, Dr. Elizabeth Yuko, a Fordham …
Timothy Ray Brown, long known only as the “Berlin Patient” had HIV for 12 years before he became the first person in the world to be cured of the infection following a stem cell transplant in 2007. He recalls his …
Via European Pharmaceutical Review By: Elizabeth Yuko, Ph.D. Money can’t buy happiness, but evidently is instrumental in gaining FDA approval for controversial drugs with low efficacy and significant side effects. On Tuesday, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved …
Players of the ”L’Etoile de Guinee” football team poses with a sign reading ”Stop to the ebola epidemic” prior to a football tournament gathering youth from Guinea near the Koumassi sports center in Abidjan on August 10, 2014. West Africa …