advocacy Archive
Wraparound Services Jim Roberts, CEO Voice of our CEOI have been working in the Human Services field in California for over 45 years, and I have to say, innovative, efficacious programs development by the State have been for the most …
The sexual exploitation of women is finally receiving the public attention needed to end this gruesome activity. The question remains whether this will be a sustained campaign or another moral issue that gains exposure and fade in time. Somehow this …
Our current foster care structure is based on an outdated model: families with one breadwinner and a stay-at-home mom. This traditional family had sufficient income and personal resources to take in foster children. Not for money, but for love. The …
On Friday, July 21st, 2017, the world watched the horrific footage of 16-year-old Cruz Velazquez Acevedo taking multiples sips of an unidentified liquid that would lead to his death – all while in custody of the largest law enforcement agency …
He says: Addiction shouldn’t be called “addiction.” It should be called “ritualized compulsive comfort-seeking.” Dr. Daniel Sumrok He says: Ritualized compulsive comfort-seeking (what traditionalists call addiction) is a normal response to the adversity experienced in childhood, just like bleeding is a normal …
Give it a try. Walk down Main Street and ask people you meet how they feel about Congress. According to Gallup’s May 2017 survey, three out of every four (74 percent) will have an answer that contains a mix of …
Last week, I arrived at the Nursing Home job that I still maintain on weekends to a disturbing discovery. A nurse pointed out to me that sometime during the previous shift, someone had scrawled the eleventh letter of the alphabet …
In “California Bill Aims to Create Better Foster Homes,” Holden Slattery reports on new legislation (AB 507) that would require social workers to help foster parents develop training plans tailored to the needs of the children in their homes. This …
The Republican-led Congress is back in session determined to earn their abysmal approval rating. The most recent Gallup Poll has it at 16 percent. Having failed to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act with the “skinny bill,” congressional Republicans …
A former foster youth has created an innovative tool for professionals in the child welfare system through his online course, Fostering Resilience. Michael Place, now an international public speaker and child rights activist, recently launched Fostering Resilience to help professionals …