Adoption Archive
A California-based policy shop is asking for a $30 million expansion of the state’s transitional housing program to serve homeless youth and older foster youth with extra challenges. The John Burton Foundation sent a letter to California Assembly Budget Subcommittee Chair …
Lately I’ve been stumbling across various blog postings about things people have learned about , things they want you to know about , things you wish you could say to They come from adoptive families, adopted people and others …
socialworksocialwork:A deep and thoughtful post. Originally posted on The adopted ones blog: By TAO Have you ever stopped to consider how, and why things have changed in adoption from the 1950′s to now? The answer to those questions begins with: …
As a self published author it’s hard to get media access which stinks when you’re trying to reach a broader audience. Among producers, agents, columnists, reviewers, and other gatekeepers there is still a bias against self published works.
Normally I don’t watch The Dr. Phil Show during the day but Erika taped an episode yesterday that was a “must view.” Titled “Parents Divided Over Disowning Their Son,” the show featured two adoptive parents and their 24-year-old adopted son, …
I was recently in the UK and had a disturbing conversation with a colleague. His story described a child protection system out of control, a system driven by the wrong reasons – a system driven by adoption. I will call …
I first heard about Joe Soll through the American Adoption Congress. He is a prominent adoption advocate, licensed therapist, writer of multiple books and an adoptee himself. His book, Adoption Healing, was published some years ago but his message remains …
I’m very grateful that someone shared with me today a column in the Washington Post called On Parenting by their “parenting advice” columnist, Marguerite Kelley, who also appears on radio and TV, so her opinions are shared far and wide. …
Well, I promised to follow up my last post with some good news, and I know that at least one of my readers will be disappointed that she won’t get to read about the sense of optimism I feel in …
Dr. Nancy Snyderman With Daughter Kate and Kate’s Birth Mother As we in the adoption community know all to well, the process of adoption has evolved dramatically over the years. Up until the 60’s or 70’s it was much like …