Psychotherapy Archive
Why do I teach psychoanalysis? What do I want to accomplish in the semester to follow? I'll start with Freud. Freud had two intellectual obligations that remain mine. The first is to a vision of our animal nature and the …
Implementation and Significance: Simple Psychotherapeutic InterventionsPromise them anything, but give them behavior potential. Peter OssorioNear the start of my training analysis I realized that my mostly silent analyst, seated behind me, wrote with a scratchy pencil. Evidently, not everything I …
David J. Morris, a former Marine infantry officer and a reporter in some of the most violent regions of the Iraq war, blacked out while watching a movie and ran out of the theater, only to regain awareness of himself in …
For the past 50 years, psychotherapy has taken a back seat to biomedical psychiatry, largely due to reliance on medications for the treatment of mental disorders. Yet clinical evidence increasingly points to chronic, unresolved traumatic stress as the source of …
Z may participate in one way rather than another (choose certain options rather than others) as a way of letting C know what kind of person Z is.If C has a given relationship to Z, C’s behavior potential is different …
In my People Solutions Sourcebook I write about the ‘Three Hs’ that are powerful influences on behaviour: head (reason); heart (passion or emotion) and habit. Which is more powerful will depend on the circumstances at any given time. For example, …
Mindful Uncertainty: I, Thou and Empathy … in terms of technique: He should simply listen, and not bother about whether he is keeping anything in mind. Anyone who hopes to learn the noble game of chess from books will soon …
Far too often, getting on with ‘everyday life’ requires suppressing the impact of traumatic stress on body, mind, and spirit. This self-imposed desensitization to one’s own suffering also lessens how empathetic we are to others’ suffering, including to their …
Ideas about the nature of “healing” are regularly batted around the culture of psychotherapy. The word ”transformation” also comes up, which feels sympathetic with a depth psychological perspective, but can also sound somewhat grand and mysterious, although not in the following …
I began reading the book History Beyond Trauma by Françoise Davoine and Jean-Max Gaudillière during a turbulent time in my life — when deaths, losses, and uncertainties continually piled up. Despite my best efforts to remain optimistic and push …