Social Work Archive
As I continue to pursue my dreams, I am often faced with my unconscious beliefs about why it is a horrible idea. Lately, I have spent most of my time, energy and awareness on how those beliefs are holding me …
Most group homes in California are poised to embrace mandated changes to the way they administer services under a new law if they want to continue providing care to children and youth in foster care. But for one residential facility …
Are you having difficulty overcoming uncertainty and turning your doubts into success? Does the uncertainty of your financial future bring with it fear and avoidance? No matter if you hope to achieve financial wellbeing, change careers or make another major …
How the System Must Preserve a Foster Youths’ Belonging-nessJim RobertsNovember is National Adoption Month--a time to celebrate parentless children being assimilated into families. Much has been written as to how wonderful this is for kids and why it is the …
As you may recall, the first blog in this series, Reason #1 for the Heroin Epidemic was “Blame the Doctors”. And now here we are again implicating the medical profession as a contributing factor. But this week I want to …
This week, I experienced a physical release in my body. I get these often as a part of my recovery. The emotions and memories have been stored in my body and I am releasing them as I recover. But the …
We all have certain things that get under our skin, things that are likely to get us annoyed, irritated or distressed. These are known as ‘triggers’. Some triggers are shared by a wide range of people (if not by everybody) …
In the preface to his book The Order of Things (1966/1973), Michel Foucault shared the following excerpt from an ancient Chinese encyclopedia: “… animals are divided into: (a) belonging to the Emperor, (b) embalmed, (c) tame, (d) sucking pigs, …
An Evaluation of its Effectiveness in Changing Financial Behaviors and Improving Self-Sufficiency Download Executive Summary Report! Financial Social Work Research Report United Way, of Erie Pennsylvania (highest poverty rate of any major PA city) conducted an extensive three-year research …
Watching the proceedings on the floor of the House of Representatives Thursday on the occasion of the election and swearing-in of Rep. Paul Ryan (WI-) as the 54th Speaker of the House, one might be convinced that discord had been …