Social Work Archive
By: Luis Gay When you give a college student a marker, a blank piece of paper, and an opportunity to express what is going on in their lives, the results may be solemn: "Drug addiction runs in my …
More than 44 years have passed since President Richard Milhous Nixon declared his “war on drugs.” That battle cry was proclaimed in June 1971 following the tumultuous 1960s that saw the United States transformed in many ways. During the decade, …
Policies that exclude and deny opportunity to specific groups of Americans are always counterproductive. Ultimately, any economic gains that may accrue to one group of people from reduced competition for perceived scarcity of resources will be offset by the lack …
A lot of people think that drug use is defined by gender or by income and where you live. Other people think that drug abuse occurs more often amongst teens and college students than adults. But the truth is that …
I am honored to have Geoff Kane, MD, MPH as a guest blogger this week. I have known Geoff for many years and he is not only an extremely competent physician, but also possesses the highest degree of compassion for patients …
This week, I had an image shared more than 15,000 times on Facebook. It brought 2,600 new members to the Beating Trauma community and I am extremely grateful. While the picture was beautiful, I think the quote stirred many people. …
The Congressional Research Institute for Research and Poverty (CRISP) is partnering with the McSilver Institute for Poverty Policy and Research to host a congressional briefing on Disrupting the Cradle-to-Prison Pipeline: Juvenile Justice, Race, and Poverty that will focus on Senate …
The headlines and sound bites described behavior gone wrong — a teenager in a South Carolina classroom refusing to put away her cellphone and a police officer using physical force to respond to a nonthreatening situation. He arrested her for …
Last month, the Pritzker Foster Care Initiative, which funds a number of child welfare-related non-profits, including my organization, hosted a half-day convening on “Web and Mobile App Solutions for Transition Age Youth.” The afternoon was broken into two panels: one …
By Stell Simonton Anne Bissell knows firsthand the ravages of heroin. An addict for 18 years, she was unable to take proper care of her children. When her son was young, she often was passed out at home. Later she …