Social Work Archive
An Open Letter from a Therapist: I am really struggling with where to begin. As a general rule, I don’t post things on my professional page that are opinionated in nature. I believe my personal opinions about politics, religion/spirituality, or …
Certainly longevity is not is not the measure of a good life. Some people have been around many years and have little to show. I could have done more. Others generate incredible amounts of productivity in a few years—think Martin …
by Lyndsey Ellis Social Inclusion Campaign Assistant for Peers Envisioning and Engaging Recovery Services (PEERS) I arrive in St. Louis a month after the Darren Wilson verdict tore the lid off the facade of peaceful race relations in America. The last …
It was 1995, and we had just started A Home Within. Seven-year-old Kelsey was one of the first foster children referred for open-ended therapy, but she was NOT happy about it. She routinely and loudly told her therapist, Dr. B, …
Geographic Information Systems (GIS) are well utilized in politics, city planning, environmental science, landscape architecture, business and public health. Increasingly, GIS is being utilized to better assess, understand and respond to various social challenges such as food deserts, housing instability …
A foundational component of Financial Social Work is the belief that the relationship someone has with his/her money and self has a major impact on that person’s financial circumstances. The theory of relationship and financial wellbeing carries forward to …
April is Financial Literacy month – that’s a good thing, but one month devoted to focusing on your money is not nearly enough time for most people. If you have financial problems, you are not alone. Two-thirds of Americans are …
Timothy Ray Brown, long known only as the “Berlin Patient” had HIV for 12 years before he became the first person in the world to be cured of the infection following a stem cell transplant in 2007. He recalls his …
There’s an infinite number of feelings, and only a finite number of words, so it’s no wonder that at both the very best and the worst of times we often find ourselves speechless. That no matter how eloquent, nothing ever …
Eating disorders are usually overlooked in men. Much of the media attention devoted to bulimia and anorexia nervosa tends to focus on women. Karen Carpenter made headlines when she passed away as a result of her struggle with anorexia. Lily …