Social Work Archive
Addiction Doesn’t Discriminate, So Why Should We? By Jeremiah Hopes | March 30, 2016 On March 11, “20/20” aired a special detailing the rise of heroin addiction in suburban towns in New Hampshire. Twitter buzzed with discussions that ranged from …
It’s 5:30pm and here I lie in the bed I share with my husband. My 6 month old son snoring in his dump truck onesie next to me. Not the outfit he was wearing when I dropped him off at …
I am 25 years old, and still learning what it means to thrive versus simply survive after transitioning out of the foster care system. At a recent foster care event, I scanned the room from where I sat, watching the …
I haven’t met a survivor who hasn’t been invalidated as they have journeyed through their recovery process. When we hear invalidating statements, it hits us hard. But there is a way to make it less painful. Believe it or not, …
Approximately 80 Americans die from an opioid overdose every day. That amounted to 29,467 people in 2014. Many of these deaths were preventable but the resources needed to tackle the growing opioid epidemic have yet to be appropriated by Congress. …
Last September, the Harvard Kennedy School and National Institute of Justice co-published a call to include 18- to 21-year-olds in the juvenile justice system: Our central recommendation is that the age of juvenile court jurisdiction be raised to at least …
I recently watched the movie Jerry Maguire with my wife, who had never seen it, and it led to me thinking about our profession of social worker. It is not that I have not spoken out in the past about …
I had the pleasure of addressing Latina/o social workers last week during their conference at New York University. The theme of the three-day event was sí se puede generally translated as “it can be done,” or to borrow candidate Barack …
Some people cause problems for themselves and for others by simply ‘looking out for number one’ – that is, putting themselves, first, second and last. One of the problems with this approach to life is that it contributes to a …
I teach. I teach in the way I learn, through humor and context. I put together history with current events and make them draw a direct line of comparison. I put forward new, innovated science and technology releases, and we …