Social Work Archive
Attitude Means Everything When Looking AheadJim Roberts, CEOVoice of our CEO The New Year, 2017, has arrived with much trepidation. We have a new President taking office who is loathed, feared, or both, by many in our very polarized country. …
The timeliness of the social work health convening next week by the Center for Health Administration Studies (CHAS) could not be more propitious as many Americans nervously prepare themselves for the incoming Donald Trump administration. At the top of the …
The holidays are hard for survivors of trauma. I know that’s not a shocking statement. Our circumstances are usually less than stellar. Either we spend it without the majority of our family or we spend it with them but wish …
Hope; it’s what looking forward to flipping over the calendar at the end of December every year is all about really isn’t it? I mean, it’s a new slate, a fresh start, new beginnings with raised expectations that you won’t …
Are you grieving at this time of year more than usual and feeling out of sorts as a result? You know, there’s merriment joy all around you whether it’s songs on the radio, Christmas cards that arrive in the post, the humourous …
Some you win, some you lose is a well-known saying. We can’t realistically expect to succeed in everything we do, so we have to learn to take the rough with the smooth, of course. However, my concern is that life …
If Donald Trump had his way, he would not be President of the United States, he would be king. At the end of the Revolutionary War, General George Washington was so admired that many wanted to make him king. Americans …
Here is the short, half day course on Empathy, Stress (Reduction) and Neural Science delivered at the Joe Palombo Center for Neuroscience at the Institute for Clinical Social Work on December 03, 2016. The image depicted is the punchline to …
When you bring an elderly loved one to a nursing home facility, it is only after you have every confidence that their every need will be well taken care of.
At first sight, it can sometimes be easy to dismiss addicts as socially inept people who can’t face responsibilities. However, like every other disorder, socio economical factors are often at the root of addiction.