Social Work Archive
By Getty Image People are always searching for connection. As a society, we are very connected— our phones alert us to the very latest news and events; social media provides constant connection to our friends and acquaintances; and we …
I get angry about abuse and injustice, but (so far at least) not so much about my own illness. Friends are surprised by my apparent complacence. I’ve been surprised by their surprise, intrigued by my own inconsistencies, and curious about …
When cases involving children needlessly torn from their families would arise in Texas — like this one and this one — advocates for taking away more children had a stock reply: The cases are aberrations, they would claim; Texas takes away relatively few children.
The Chronicle of Social Change is highlighting each of the policy recommendations made this summer by the participants of the Foster Youth Internship Program (FYI), a group of 12 former foster youths who have completed congressional internships. The program is overseen …
The Chronicle of Social Change is highlighting each of the policy recommendations made this summer by the participants of the Foster Youth Internship Program (FYI), a group of 12 former foster youths who have completed congressional internships. The program is overseen …
The inaugural CRISP Political Boot Camp is now in the history books. The three-day intensive training ended Wednesday with an emotional closing session during which attendees shared their challenges and the beginnings of growth, celebrated new friendships, and committed themselves …
The social work profession emphasizes the strengths-based approach, understanding that while individuals, families, and communities have challenges or needs (not weaknesses), it is essential to recognize the positives. These can be relationships, resources, abilities, skills, knowledge, and networks. In child …
Originally recorded on Thursday, July 13, 2017 Receive Webinar Invites by Email Financial fraud affects thousands of Americans and costs consumers billions in lost savings every year. Watch this video to gain a greater understanding of the need for …
When 16-year-old Ramon* was caught in possession of stolen property — a stereo that had been lifted from a high school — a judge in Alameda County’s juvenile court placed him on probation. Like many youth across the state, Ramon’s …
PHOTO BY © Wavebreakmedia Ltd | DREAMSTIME.COM I recently had a client tell me how much she liked me as a therapist, but also as a person. She acknowledged that she knew very little about me personally to make …