Social Work Archive
Predictive risk modeling (PRM) offers new and exciting chances to solve big, entrenched problems. In child welfare, one of those problems is accurately identifying children at risk of maltreatment, work that requires a gauge of not only immediate risk, …
According to a recent report by Oxfam America, the United States leg of the worldwide organization, poultry workers in the U.S. have been denied bathroom breaks and, as such, resorted to wearing diapers to work. While on the slaughter line, …
Recent research shows that alternative therapies for chronic back pain, such as yoga, actually work. Now, it’s time to get workers’ compensation to pay for these gentle and effective treatments. Many people who suffer from chronic back pain look for …
Diann Sparks hadn’t planned on adopting, until one of her sisters asked her to attend an adoption class in a town 120 miles away from her home in Possum Trot, part of east Texas’ Shelby County. At the time, Sparks …
A new report from the National Council on Crime and Delinquency (NCCD) titled Girls and Gangs: Improving Our Understanding and Ability to Respond looks at the experiences of girls involved in gang activity and provides recommendations for stakeholders to better …
In “California Bill Aims to Create Better Foster Homes,” Holden Slattery reports on new legislation (AB 507) that would require social workers to help foster parents develop training plans tailored to the needs of the children in their homes. This …
So, this is one of those mega questions that I think all of our discussions about how we pay for and organize healthcare should boil down to: How does someone who is uninsured pay for treatment for serious, progressive or …
A new assessment of Los Angeles County’s home visiting portfolio suggests the county has a number of effective programs, but a significant gap between available services and families that need it. This has been compounded by a short-term reduction in …
I went to work in rural north Florida in 2007. The area is lovely in a formerly prosperous, rural, southern, north-Florida sort of way. Pre-civil war plantation houses still stand, and descendants of slaves still till the soil—now alongside Central …
It is, of course, a very common experience to have a great sense of excitement as you look forward to something, only to have a sense of anti-climax once what you have been anticipating actually comes to pass. This is …