Social Work Archive
As we reported last week, the Justice Department’s Inspector General exposed the fact that, from 2013 to 2016, the agency’s juvenile justice division – the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) – was willfully ignoring compliance standards on disproportionate …
Last week, Washington Governor Jay Inslee signed a bill making the leader of the state’s expanded child welfare system a member of his cabinet. Bill 1661 creates the Department of Children, Youth and Families (DCYF), a new agency focused on …
There’s enough in life to stress about, but as it turns out, long-term stress might be more damaging than initially thought. A new study released by the Alzheimer’s Association in July of 2017 revealed that those who experience consistent stress …
So here we are. My mother in law has taken another downturn this week. She is drinking even less and her voice is so soft I can barely hear her when she speaks, which is only in answer to a …
Part 1Tara Brown and Jessica Mock Voice of an FCNI Family “Heroes didn't leap tall buildings or stop bullets with an outstretched hand; they didn't wear boots and capes. They bled, and they bruised, and their superpowers were as simple …
A new report from the Juvenile Law Center highlights the harms of solitary confinement on youth in juvenile lock-up facilities and presents recommendations to end the practice. In Unlocking Youth: Legal Strategies to End Solitary Confinement in Juvenile Facilities, Jessica Feierman, …
I am sharing this very personal part of my mother in law’s care to help you with decisions you may have to make concerning your loved one’s care. This week I learned that a catheter is not always a bad …
A Letter To My Students You are about to enter a very difficult profession. You will face your own disillusionment, secondary trauma, grief, and burnout. You will be overworked, underpaid, and under-appreciated.
According to a new poll released Wednesday by the California Endowment, a majority of California residents say they’d like to see all of the state’s juvenile incarceration facilities closed down. The survey comes at a time when counties are adapting …
The Self-help program, Se-REM has recently been made available to the public and other therapists. Eleven years in development, it combines EMDR, Mindfulness, Child Within Therapy, Music Therapy and connects the user with Nature, all within a mild hypnotic relaxation. …