Social Work Archive
Originally recorded on Thursday, January 12, 2016 Receive Webinar Invites by Email Up to 31% of US adults admit lying to their spouses/partners about money. Hidden bank accounts, purchases and debt are a devastating betrayal of trust. Called financial …
PHOTO BY DREAMSTIME Pregnancy and parenting is a happy time in your life. But what if it is not? Along with the joy that accompanies pregnancy and the birth of a new baby, there are also stressful experiences that …
Chicago Congressman Danny K. Davis (D-IL-7) is the latest to introduce legislation to curb the use of monetary bail as a condition for pre-trial release. His bill—H.R. 4833, the Bail Fairness Act of 2018—would require states to provide non-monetary release …
When you are poor, and especially if you are a poor person of color, an enormous amount of your life is out of your control. Almost everything is controlled by those of us who are white and middle class.
Grief is a complicated emotion and one that everyone experiences differently. While some seniors recover quickly after the death of a spouse, others may get lost in their grief. When grief becomes prolonged, it can lead to depression, addiction, suicide, …
Here are Empathy Lessons for the New Year ahead. You know what would really interest me? To hear from you (dear reader) what is your empathy lesson? Whether inspired by this list or your own experience over the winter holiday …
It may be now or never young people. If another round of elections goes by with many of you standing on the sidelines, it may be too late to turn this ship around. Too many of you sat out while …
I love my inner parts. I would not have survived my childhood without them. And I would not have healed my trauma without a deep love and acceptance for them. Every inner part has brought strength to my whole self …
Desperation is a familiar feeling for those of us with complex trauma. Our goals can feel impossible and completely out of our control. That feeling of powerlessness has been around a long time and it didn’t disappear in adulthood. But …
A new year is the ideal time to start making some serious changes in your life. Whether you are interested in giving more back to the local community or charities, or perhaps want to make some changes to your daily …