Politics Archive
You’ve seen the scene play out in countless movies. Two powerful men on the verge of argument rush into the closest men’s room for the privacy needed to yell at each other their justifications for their darkest actions. Disturbing truths …
With a vote of 251-166, the U. S. House of Representatives passed H.R. 2642—the Agricultural Act of 2014, ending a two-year stalemate on funding for the nation’s food supply industry. The final version of the $956 billion legislation—crafted by a …
My social work training has been useful in a wide range of experiences including my years working in the House of Representatives. Needless to say, Congress these days presents a challenging environment. The spirit of cooperation between and sometimes within …
I am reposting this entry because it has been brought to my attention that the term “committed suicide” reflects negatively on people suffering from severe depression and facing untenable circumstances that leads to suicide. The haunting melody of the song “Suicide …
As someone who is a bit more conservative than my peers, I often think of the reasons why I want to get involved in social work. While the goal of all social workers is to improve the lives of disadvantaged …
In a speech during a forum on social mobility at the Brookings Institution today, New York Senator Kirsten Gillibrand stated emphatically: “Let’s do what can do to create new opportunities for those who need it most and change the course …
The connection between a university graduation and social justice may not be immediately obvious, and I did not expect to be posting about my son’s ceremony, but a few things made the occasion somewhat relevant (at least for …
I have drawn the 62 entries in this draft social justice calendar from several sources over the course of 2013. The entries are mostly recognized internationally, but some are specific to Australia. The calendar will need fine-tuning over 2014 as …
Social workers by our adherence to a code of ethics are committed to promoting social justice. Yet, I wonder how many social workers understand what it means to pursue social justice and how many of us are congruent in our …
As an Employment Counsellor, I spend every single work day surrounded by people who are either out of work entirely, or only working a few hours here and there part-time and are looking for jobs with more hours, higher income …