Politics Archive
Photo of “Warengestell mit Gehirnen (Display Stand with Brains),” By Katharina Fritsch. The Great Recession, like financial disasters before it, took its toll on bodies and psyches as much as it did on bank accounts and lifestyles. Suicides, family violence, …
Social workers should keep our eyes on several races for seats in the House of Representatives in November. Although four of the seven social workers in the Houses—Reps. Susan Davis (CA-53), Luis Gutierrez (IL-4), Barbara Lee (CA-13) and Niki Tsongas—are …
Have you heard of Austin Ruse? Three days ago, I had no idea who he was, but today I cannot stop thinking about him. Austin Ruse is the President of the Catholic Family and Human Rights Institute (C-Fam), whose mission, …
Why do you need a social media policy? There are two reasons you need a policy, risk management and ethical practice. How soon do you think it will be before someone records a therapeutic session, a group, a conversation, …
You might be in the situation where you’re getting a decent pay cheque every couple of weeks, and you can do the job quite satisfactorily, but still there’s something missing. Thinking back, you’ve been sensing this growing discontent with your …
In The Spotlight On February 26, one week after the Arizona State Senate passed SB 1062, Republican Governor Jan Brewer vetoed the bill that would have allowed businesses to refuse services to gay patrons for religious reasons. The rejected law, …
For social work month, the Congressional Research Institute for Social Work and Policy (CRISP) will hold its first web-based, annual donor drive from March 3rd – March 9th. Financial contributions will help ensure social work representation and involvement in federal …
A phenomenon that happens often to many people I know may also have happened to you personally. This is when a job you once thought was the perfect job and you were thrilled to have it, becomes less appealing, less …
I grew up a Hoosier. Summer evenings I’d feast on grilled local corn-on-the-cob, only to be outdone by an Elephant Ear at the State Fair for dessert. We claimed Benjamin Harrison, Larry Byrd, and Michael Jackson like they were our …
Congresswoman Barbara Lee, chair of the Congressional Social Work Caucus joined several of her colleagues in forming the Full Employment Caucus last week. Led by the venerable Congressman John Conyers from Detroit, the Full Employment Caucus will focus its attention …