Politics Archive
These are tough times in America for many of her citizens of all creeds and colors. Decades of wage stagnation and a declining middle class have left millions of Americans anxious about the present and pessimistic about the future. According …
You only have to turn on the television to notice the merging of opinion, fact and news into ‘debates’ of equal value. I can’t claim this as an original thought. I first heard the comment on a podcast I was …
Following a White House report released in October condemning the use of conversion therapy, Senators Cory Booker (D-NJ) and Patty Murray (D-WA) have introduced legislation to end the harmful practice. The Therapeutic Fraud Prevention Act would empower the Federal …
RALEIGH, North Carolina — Once each month a conference room in an employment center tucked in the corner of an office park becomes a one-stop shop for second chances. Scores of people who were formerly incarcerated or have had run-ins …
With pressing issues such as illegal immigration, energy and oil, tax reform, homeland security, veterans services, welfare reform and free trade (just to name a few) at the forefront of most presidential elections, what makes this election different from 2012, …
In January, California State Senator Carol Liu (D-La Cañada Flintridge) introduced a bill that aims to protect the right of California’s homeless to “rest” in public spaces. Senate Bill 876 would de-criminalize homelessness by ultimately limiting local sanitation and law …
House Bills Seek to Improve Out-of-state Foster Placements, Infant Welfare By Sarah Barr | March 24, 2016 WASHINGTON — A bipartisan group of federal lawmakers want to reduce the time foster youth spend waiting for a placement across state …
Unattended guns can harm your children. Guns may cause injury or death. Guns may increase the case-fatality rate of firearm suicide attempts. Imagine these phrases plastered on the box of recently purchased gun. We see analogous sentences, “smoking seriously harms …
As a political junkie, I have been consumed by this run for the White House. This is political theater at its most intriguing. Because there is so much at stake—the next President may have the opportunity to appoint as many …
It’s no joking matter. Maybe it started off like one, Trump running for president again. Everyone probably assumed it was a gimmick to boost his numbers of the next ridiculous reality show, or another one of his smoke and mirror …