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One of the most fundamental things you’re going to do when looking for work is create an email address. One day in the future the email address will become antiquated and out of fashion; replaced by something more effective. Today …
When high school student Kia Reid’s brother was arrested, she withdrew emotionally, missing more than a week of school. But in her absence, Reid didn’t fall through the cracks. Her teachers texted and called to check on her. “They told …
Over the years I have run very many training courses on conflict management and a common theme that has emerged right at the start has been a strong tendency for participants to bring with them the idea that conflict can …
We are so blessed… we had a big day yesterday: I babysat my almost two years old grandson for four hours while his brothers celebrated their birthdays at Monkey Joe’s. Lawrence ran errands. Then a volunteer from Hospice came….a Chinese …
Last November, when the federal government finally released state-by-state data on the number of children trapped in foster care the year before (yes, the feds release the data more than a year after they get it) the Associated Press reported …
He says: Addiction shouldn’t be called “addiction.” It should be called “ritualized compulsive comfort-seeking.” Dr. Daniel Sumrok He says: Ritualized compulsive comfort-seeking (what traditionalists call addiction) is a normal response to the adversity experienced in childhood, just like bleeding is a normal …
So you feel stuck career-wise; seemingly unable to break free. Could be that all or most of your experience is in a field that you’re no longer able to compete in. Your educational qualifications are old and dated, you’ve relied …
It is understandable, of course, that we will seek to avoid suffering whenever possible. We look dimly on people who seek to impose suffering on others and regard wanting to inflict suffering on ourselves as a form of pathology. Clearly, …
On Tuesday, the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors endorsed a plan calling for the county’s chief executive office and the Office of Child Protection to create a comprehensive county-wide strategy to address the needs of transition-age foster youth. Introduced …
Many people eventually experience a disruption in the continuity of their work history. That is to say they find themselves out of work either by choice or through means out of their control. Depending on why one is out of …