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Our current foster care structure is based on an outdated model: families with one breadwinner and a stay-at-home mom. This traditional family had sufficient income and personal resources to take in foster children. Not for money, but for love. The …
Could very well be that you see yourself or someone you know in this piece. You know, that overly protective parent that wants the absolute best for their growing child and in a misguided effort to protect them from some …
As we reported last week, a bill to reauthorize the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act passed the Senate. If the Senate and House can work out differences in the bill through a conference committee, and President Trump signs the …
Kneeling. It’s a passive posture. At various times, in various places, it could be a posture of prayer. A posture of surrender. A posture of nobility or knighthood. And sometimes, including right now, it is a posture of peaceful protest. …
According to a new poll released Wednesday by the California Endowment, a majority of California residents say they’d like to see all of the state’s juvenile incarceration facilities closed down. The survey comes at a time when counties are adapting …
At the end of my first year at university, my tutor said to me: ‘Neil, you have a lot of strengths, but the trouble is that you are always playing to them’. He went on to explain that what he …
On Friday, July 21st, 2017, the world watched the horrific footage of 16-year-old Cruz Velazquez Acevedo taking multiples sips of an unidentified liquid that would lead to his death – all while in custody of the largest law enforcement agency …
Photo by dreamsline When you are stressed, your body goes into what is called a “fight or flight” response to prepare to confront or avoid danger. Even day-to-day events can provoke a stress response, and can cause health problems, …
Name any profession that you have even a rudimentary understanding of what the people in that job actually do, and there’s a good chance you can accurately come up with the personality traits and basic skills that you’d find in …
The Self-help program, Se-REM has recently been made available to the public and other therapists. Eleven years in development, it combines EMDR, Mindfulness, Child Within Therapy, Music Therapy and connects the user with Nature, all within a mild hypnotic relaxation. …