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Author Katherine Paterson’s life was profoundly impacted when she became a foster parent. In fact, the influence of fostering was so intense that one of her first books, The Great Gilly Hopkins, was written around the experience.
Tanya Winje, FCNI Program SupervisorVoice of an FCNI StaffRecently, I pulled up a slide presentation for a training I lead for staff here at Family Care Network about Intimate Partner Violence. In my effort to refresh the slides and update …
What would you call someone who has a comprehensive and authoritative knowledge of or skill in a particular area? If you answered, ‘Expert’, you’re correct. So you want a job. You can go about the job search process in several …
Last month, I had the honor of serving as a keynote speaker at the New Hampshire Citizens Heath Initiative Annual Symposium, which was hosted by the University of New Hampshire’s Institute for Health Policy and Practice. During my presentation, I …
Earlier this month, the U.S. Supreme Court declined to hear an appeal from the state of Kentucky in a case about kinship care that may have long-term impact across the United States. The high court passed on the agency’s appeal …
Wraparound Services Jim Roberts, CEO Voice of our CEOI have been working in the Human Services field in California for over 45 years, and I have to say, innovative, efficacious programs development by the State have been for the most …
There is nothing more complicated after a childhood of complex trauma than navigating relationships. Why? Complex trauma is relational. We don’t have complex trauma without the failure of the primary relationships in our lives. And while the dissociation we use …
“Stand tall” was the mantra for 85 foster youth leaders from 25 states, who arrived in Washington, D.C. last weekend for Foster Youth in Action’s annual Leaders for Change conference. The Leaders for Change (L4C) conference gathered a network of …
As a therapist whose routine session time is 90 minutes so people may work deeply into their complexity, I wonder the risk to the self-awareness aspect of therapy by the popularization of the concepts of “tools” and “takeaways” into therapy …
The sexual exploitation of women is finally receiving the public attention needed to end this gruesome activity. The question remains whether this will be a sustained campaign or another moral issue that gains exposure and fade in time. Somehow this …