Humanity Archive
Charitable giving in the United States rose by 7.1 percent last year to a new high of $358.38 billion, according to Giving USA, an annual report by the Indiana University’s Lilly Family School of Philanthropy. This year’s total tops 2007’s …
Do you dread getting out of bed each day? As soon as you wake up each morning, does your mind go into overdrive with worry and negative thoughts? Are you hitting the snooze button over and over hoping to delay …
Guest post…My name is Cheryl McDonnell and I have been living with disabilities for 27 years – my own and those of my daughter. We were in an accident when my daughter was 6 months old. Our first encounter with …
If a person experiences trauma; specifically that of domestic violence, either directly or vicariously (indirectly) from a young age, they do not properly pass though the appropriate developmental stages. This will hinder their emotional growth—causing them to remain stuck in …
By Shannon Fisher Upon hearing the term “human trafficking,” most Americans envision foreign nationals who have been smuggled into the United States to engage in sex work within our borders. While this situation is common and grave, it is important …
By: Robert Schmaltz “Act so that the effects of your action are compatible with the permanence of genuine human life…” ~ Hans Jonas (1984) Human dignity refers to a kind of value that is difficult to distinguish without first recognizing …
Emanuel AME(African Methodist Episcopal) church has a long history of notoriety. Serving as the oldest AME church in the south it hosted great leaders such as Martin Luther King Jr. in 1962, and has had a long and proud history …
By: Kristine AlarconEdited by: Sharon E. ChinThe first year at college is often an eye opening and life changing experience, but for some female women, it can change drastically. One in five female students are raped in their first year …
The Foundations of Behavioral Science "I am myself and my circumstance." Ortega y Gasset"...These concepts: proposition, language, thought, world, stand in line one behind the other, each equivalent to each. (But what are these words to be used for now? …
You may have been wondering why people were walking around with red clown noses a few weeks ago. If you weren’t aware, it was the first Red Nose Day here in the U.S. The fundraiser started in England in 1988 …